How to Care for Dry Hair?


A woman with flowing hair.

Split ends, rough to the touch and easily entangled; not the words you’d see plastered on a hair commercial. We all dream of silky, luscious and voluminous hair, but for some of us with dry hair, that goal may seem difficult to attain. Before caring for your dry hair, it’s crucial to understand the root cause behind it’s lackluster exterior. If you’re looking for a quick crash course on dry hair and what you can do to tackle it, read on. 

What causes dry hair?

In simple terms, dry hair is basically hair that is dehydrated, lacking in moisture in the form of oil. This scalp dryness can be attributed to two phenomena: 

  • insufficient production of the sebaceous gland, leading to a drop in the secretion of sebum
  • lack of water due to a natural deficiency, which is further perpetuated by the lack of lipids

As the scalp is no longer protected and is not retaining adequate moisture, it becomes more vulnerable to external forces such as climate conditions and harsh chemicals. The integrity of the hair shaft and hair also becomes compromised due to the continuous alteration of the cuticle and the insides of the hair fiber, resulting in every hairdresser’s enemy - split ends.

Most of us with dry hair inherited it from our parents, but other factors such as diet and hair habits may also play a part. As always, the food you put into your body affects the way you glow on the outside. A diet lacking in vitamins and minerals (particularly vitamins A, C, E and vitamins B5, B6 and B12) will slow down hair growth and undermine hair health. Another thing that most of us overlook in watching are our everyday hair habits. Things such as over-washing, using heat on hair and exposing our hair to excessive sun or wind may not seem too big a deal, but definitely add up in the long run.

Care tips for dry hair

1.Avoid shampooing your hair every day.

Every time we shampoo our hair, we are stripping it of its natural protective oils. Our hair is capable of hydrating itself using the sebum that is produced by our scalps (which can be considered Nature’s conditioner). By shampooing our hair every alternate day, we are giving our sebaceous gland the time it needs to produce its natural oils and effectively hydrate our hair, increasing its health.

2.Opt for gentle haircare products

One of the most crucial things to do is choosing your haircare products carefully. It’s best to stay away from haircare products that contain sulfates and parabens as they further strip our hair of natural oils, as well as cause hair loss and increase frizz. 


  • Shampooing Traitant Dermo-Apaisant - mild plant-based shampoo for very frequent use; soothes, rebalances, protects against irritations
  • Baume Capillaire – reinforces hair structure, repairs cuticle scales, provides hair with vitality and shine
    Biologique Recherche Baume Capillaire.
  • Lotion P50 Capillaire – treats, cleanses, gently exfoliates the scalp
    Biologique Recherche Shampooing Traitant Dermo-Apaisant.
3.Deep condition your hair once a week

Deep conditioning helps with repairing and nourishing hair cuticles by penetrating the hair shift, leading to high levels of hydration. Try adding deep conditioning to your hair routine once a week to support the necessary moisture and protein balance that your hair requires.

  • Masque Biologique Capillaire – nourishing mask, prevents hair fiber from drying, reinforces hair’s natural defences
    Biologique Recherche Masque Biologique Capillaire.
  • Serum Placenta
    Biologique Recherche Serum Placenta.
  • Keractive Lotion – fortifies and repairs damaged hair, coats hair fiber, protects hair against external attack
    Biologique Recherche Lotion Keractive.

4.Avoid applying heat on your hair too often


A person getting her hair done.

Heat styling tools strip our hair of its natural oils as well as breaks down its hydrogen bonds. Try to save the curling irons and electric rollers for special occasions, and allow your hair to air dry after your daily showers.