
You might have seen media reports about Coronavirus by now, a new virus that appeared in Wuhan China last month. The novel coronavirus (CoV) is a new strain of a broad family of viruses ranging from the common cold to more serious illnesses like SARS. It’s important to understand the symptoms of Coronavirus, which can include:

  • fever
  • flu like symptoms such as coughing, sore throat and headaches
  • difficulty breathing
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Most of us are no stranger to the idea of exfoliation. We know that exfoliating our skin helps get rid of dead skin cells, uncovering the potential radiance that is masked underneath. But not many of us are aware of how crucial exfoliation is for our skin. On average, we lose around 500 million skin cells daily - that’s a lot of dead skin cells that can accumulate to give us a dull and patchy complexion that we all dread. One of the best ways to counter that? Exfoliation.
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Let’s face it, we all dream of having skin like the Kardashians ¾ smooth, glowing, age-defying. However, their lavish lifestyles of vampire facials and injectables may not be time and economically efficient for most of us out here that don’t own a multi-billion dollar empire. Here’s a two-word solution for that: hyaluronic acid. The name itself may intimidate most of us off, but if you’re looking for plump and soft skin, this peculiar chemical may just be your saving grace.
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Split ends, rough to the touch and easily entangled; not the words you’d see plastered on a hair commercial. We all dream of silky, luscious and voluminous hair, but for some of us with dry hair, that goal may seem difficult to attain. Before caring for your dry hair, it’s crucial to understand the root cause behind it’s lackluster exterior. If you’re looking for a quick crash course on dry hair and what you can do to tackle it, read on. 
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